Gen-3 paint fabric and leather protection products are professional use only. At Gen-3 we are committed to working closely with our dealerships to ensure maximum customer and dealer satisfaction, giving dealerships all the tools required to add value to the customers’ vehicles.
Gen-3’s unique and Advanced formulation is designed to work exceptionally on external surfaces. Gen-3 has led the way in the Automotive sector as it is impervious to the damaging effect of cleaning products and solvents such as traffic film remover (TFR) which are widely used in car hand wash centres.
One step ahead of the rest, here at Gen-3 we only offer the best. That’s why we’ve developed our latest formulation putting you at the heart of our growth and development. This revolutionary breakthrough coating provides a stronger, harder, and more durable protection than ever before – delivering unbeatable durability and superior protection for all seasons.
Speak to our friendly team here at Unit One Automotive to find out more about GEN3 and how we will apply it to your new vehicle.